Lisa, Deb and Joe, Jungian analysts and co-creators of This Jungian Life podcast have introduced thousands of clients to an inner world with unexpected resources.
Many people just can’t rally to do what’s necessary and improve their lives. Is it possible they just don’t carry much vitality or is some inner conflict blocking their access? We share personal stories of ‘energy loss,’ and offer insights into purposelessness. Jung tells us inner energy flows according to its own laws but if we can’t harness it?
Expect to learn why some people are naturally low-energy, which aspects of your psyche might be leaking energy, how over aligning with cultural norms can cut off access to instinctive vitality, where we can look for solution and much more…
SPECIAL NOTE: This is the second dream we’ve interpreted from this listener. The first interpretation follows. This is an extraordinary opportunity to see how a dream sequence evolves!
“I am sitting cross-legged in meditation. I am sitting against the outside wall of an old Swiss/German building with white walls and exposed brown beams. Above my head is a narrow porch on the second floor of this building, giving me shelter. The porch is also made from dark brown wood, similar to the exposed beams. In front of me, there is a vast lake that is silvery-colored under the beautiful moonlight. As I meditate, the moon goes through phases. It is a crescent and then becomes full. I am not sure how long I am here. But when the moon becomes full, there is a high tide, and the water rises, so it comes all the way to me. I am submerged in this water up to my waist and continue meditating. The water is surprisingly warm and the same temperature as my body. So I don’t feel it at all. At this point in the dream, I remember a dream from 4 to 5 years ago where I was in a magnificent Roman/Persian bath. This submergence in the high tide reminds me of that dream, and I even remember the interpretation that This Jungian Life had of that dream. I continue my meditation, and slowly, the lake water retreats, and to my amazement, I am completely dry. The tide is over. I know I now need to get up and go and lead my journalist and lawyer friends. I get up and go. Now I am in an old library building. It reminds me of Trinity College Library. I can see the ceiling’s curved or arched beam. I can also see the beams under the floor, which is unusual. The beam below the floor mirrors the beam over the ceiling, and I can see inside the building structure as though I have laser eyes. This is the place we work, or I am coming to meet my collaborators. I have a file of paper under one arm as I walk along this room.”
Dream School provides a gently paced program with live interactive webinars, an uplifting online community, thought-provoking audio modules, and guided journaling to deepen your experience. Lisa, Deb, and Joe crafted the program with you in mind and companion you through the process. “Step-by-step, we’ll teach you how to interpret your dreams.” Join the revolution of consciousness! Join Dream School and Transform Your Sleep into the Greatest Adventure of Your Life: CLICK HERE
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This episode reminded me of the choreographer Martha Graham and this wonderful quote.
‘There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep open and aware directly to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. No artist is pleased. There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer, divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others.’