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Three Voices, One Song: lessons in friendship

Three Voices, One Song: lessons in friendship

With high spirits, we three revisit our first meeting and reflect on the discovery of kinship between us. Our experiences of trust, reciprocity, and shared hardship marked by endless conversations and abundant laughter forged our bond during analytic training. Yet it reflects more than our shared life; friendship is archetypal.

You’re Not a Fraud: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

You’re Not a Fraud: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome constellates the gut-wrenching fear of being exposed as a fraud no matter how much we have learned or the successes we have demonstrated. In 1978 two researchers identified and explored a painful phenomenon among some high-achieving women. Despite their high levels of success, they were convinced they were not as competent, intelligent, or skilled as others might think. Instead of identifying with their capabilities, they often attributed their success to luck, personal persuasion, or an unanticipated burst of energy. Further research revealed this struggle was equally distributed among men and women.

FRIEND or FOE: The AI Debate with Michael L. Littman, PhD

FRIEND or FOE: The AI Debate with Michael L. Littman, PhD

The uses and abuses of ChatGBT artificial intelligence language model have taken the collective imagination by storm. Apocalyptic predictions of the singularity, when technology becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, frighten us as we imagine a future where human intelligence is irrelevant. Prof. Michael Littman joins us to contextualize the advancement of artificial intelligence and debunk the paranoid rhetoric littering the public discourse.

The Conjunction of Art and Life with Peter Kramer

The Conjunction of Art and Life with Peter Kramer

“Death of the Great Man” by Dr. Peter D. Kramer offers a glimpse into the character disordered alpha narcissist. It is more than a satirical political commentary on Donald Trump. It points us to a broader discourse on power dynamics in the collective psyche, the potential for authority to corrupt our humanity and the dangerous ways we escape from freedom by surrendering self-responsibility.

Meeting Shadow on the Spiritual Path with Connie Zweig

Meeting Shadow on the Spiritual Path with Connie Zweig

Award-winning author, depth psychotherapist, and guide Connie Zweig shows us encountering darkness is a necessary part of our spiritual journey. In the first half of life, we disown aspects of ourselves to fit in and navigate our world more smoothly. Over time we realize all aspects of ourselves must be recalled and befriended. Integration of these shadow aspects lays the foundation for spiritual awakening.

Reviving Tolerance in Cancel Culture

Reviving Tolerance in Cancel Culture

In a world reduced to digital exchanges and swift judgments, reviving tolerance has become vital. Toleration comes from the ancient Proto-Indo-European root meaning “to carry,” a capacity collapsing in current culture. We stumble into extremes when we lose the strength to carry the tension of opposite ideas and feelings. Exaggerations of discomfort and hyperbolic comparisons pepper media messages and inflame the underinformed public–the collective psyche lists from topic to topic. In the vertigo of confusion, we make terrible decisions and strike out blindly.

HEALING the RIFT: Anima Mundi in a Disenchanted World

HEALING the RIFT: Anima Mundi in a Disenchanted World

To reimagine that we are part of a responsive web of life, is to resist the mechanistic worldview that treats nature as a lifeless object to be controlled and exploited. It reawakens a parallel universe where our material actions simultaneously appear in our inner world, not as photographs of our acts but as symbols that reveal the secret relationship between ourselves and those we influence.

Hypochondria’s Havoc and the Quest for Reassurance

Hypochondria’s Havoc and the Quest for Reassurance

What sets hypochondriasis apart from merely being cautious about one’s health? The answer lies in the severity of the worry and its impact on everyday life. An individual with hypochondriasis lives with constant, debilitating fear; it is not a fleeting concern. As IAD progresses, it becomes a lens through which they see their life, leading to significant distress and impaired functioning.