
Theory of Enchantment: Chloe Valdary

Sep 22, 2022

Could the antidote to racism be enchantment? Chloe Valdary thinks so. Theory of Enchantment is a radical approach to anti-racism rooted in understanding that celebrates the complexity of the human spirit. Since racism derives from deep insecurities projected onto others, the work of enchantment includes shadow, acknowledges personal complexity, and affirms right relationship with self.

Diversity need not be division, and inclusion does not discount differences. Empathy does not ‘fix’ but accompanies another’s suffering, and criticism can be used to uplift and empower. Valdary’s fulsome framework—from workshops to a self-paced online course–includes myth, literature, religion, and Jungian concepts.

Theory of Enchantment reaches beyond conflict resolution for connection with universal principles of humanity, healing, and wholeness. It is a life practice and personal discipline that teaches that we can–actually—root everything we do in love and compassion.


Theory of Enchantment: a diversity training and inclusion program that teaches love: https://theoryofenchantment.com/


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  1. Jorge

    I am so glad you interviewed Ms Valdary. Her insights and her work are so much more valuable, so much more inclusive and incisive than so much of what passes for “the work” in DEI workshops these days. Her emphasis on common humanity and compassion rooted in the recognition that we all project is what I believe can heal the wounds that divide us along racial lines in this country.

  2. Todd

    Such a pleasure to see new wise emerging leaders taking not only inspiration but the deep wisdom of Dr. King and Gandhi and being able really to operationalize it. So many folks have only a surface understanding….glad that it still lives in Chloe Valdary and in her colleagues and students and clearly there is a very deep understanding here. Also, interesting she mentions John Vervaeke… i feel like i’ve run into quite a few folks that are also being pulled into that same gravitational field…. with Zak Stein, Jonathan Pageau and many in the former “Rebel Wisdom” group…,…etc. I think something special is evolving in that corner and glad to see that Ms. Valdary is a part of that.

  3. Roger

    This is one of the most helpful and profound hours I have spent, and that is saying something, because TJL is one of the most helpful podcasts in the universe. Thank you for introducing us to Ms. Valdery.

  4. Sana

    This really was wonderful. I was wondering if all the books mentioned in this episode are listed somewhere in notes to the episode? Want to read all of them!

    • Max and Reif

      I second that suggestion for a list of all the books mentioned in the episode! Hope I can find it here already! If not, hope you will add it!
      (Or, I guess I can go back and re-listen to that part near the end of this wonderful podcast!)

    • Katy

      Yes! I was coming here to find a list of all the books mentioned, please!


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